I’m so excited to work with you!
It is important we start on time in order to keep everyone on schedule
If you need to change your appointment time please contact me.

Please read below for few getting ready tips!

If you’re properly prepared for the shoot you’ll not only have an easier and more stress free time during the shoot,
… you’ll also be happier with your images because they will look better than if there wasn’t any preparation.

Thank you for choosing me to be your photographer!


Modeling for photographs is actually a lot like acting.  Take some time in advance to consider what kind of feeling you are trying capture in your image. Prepare by then practicing their "looks" in front of the mirror. Don't worry if you are not certain about this, I will help you figure this out, but if you can come in with your own ideas that will help!

Pamper yourself a bit before your photoshoot to help you get camera ready.

  • If needed, remember to schedule a haircut about 3-5 days BEFORE your headshot session, not the day of your session. Sometimes after a haircut, we’re left with tan lines and hair that isn’t quite sure how it wants to be styled yet. By giving yourself a few days, you’ll have some time to learn how your hair lays best and how you want to style it. A little trim will help your hair look healthy in your images.

  • Don’t do any extreme beauty regimens right before your shoot, like facial peels, tanning or extensive exfoliating that could irritate your skin. Give yourself a 1-2 weeks between the session and extreme regimens. 

  • Get rid of any unwanted hair a few days before your shoot. This includes cleaning up brows and any unwanted facial hair above your lip, along your jaw line, in your ears/ nose, etc. We all get it but we don’t want it showing up in your best photo of yourself.

  • Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize! Moisturize your face with lotion and use lip balm to keep lips looking soft.

  • The night before brush your lips with your toothbrush to help get rid of any dead skin. Finish with a lip balm to keep them smooth.

  • Use eye drops if you have redness in your eyes.

Most importantly…

  • Get plenty of rest the night before so you do not look tired in your photos

  • Remember to drink lots of water.

  • Try not to indulge in any salty snacks and sugary drinks or snacks ….like wine, soda, potato chips, etc... at least 24 hours before your shoot to reduce inflammation. This will help your skin will glow from the inside out!


A few days before your shoot you’ll want to pick out your outfits.

See the suggestions below to help keep clothing choices (and your photos) classic and timeless:

  1. Keep it simple
    SOLID COLORS look timeless and photograph best.
    As a rule of thumb, choose colors that compliment your eyes and skin color.

    CLASSIC GO TO would be a black or a white top, whether it’s a shirt, t-shirt, dress, you name it, is a safe go-to – neutral but elegant, and suits almost everyone. Have at least one simple outfit, so one of your headshots is ready to go for anything.

    AVOID a ghost-white shirt if you have very pale skin. Is your skin tone warm or cold? If your skin tone is warm, try colors and shades that are warm, and vice versa.

    TRY A VIVID COLOR TOP or Jewel tones if you want to make a statement (Emerald Green · Ruby Red · Sapphire Blue · Royal Purple · Navy Blue · Citrine Yellow) will help your headshot ‘pop’ and stand out from the rest. Extra points if it matches your eyes and complexion!

    AVOID TRENDS and dress for your body type.

    AVOID STRIPES AND PATTERNS - afterall we want to keep the focus on you and not your clothing.

    AVOID LOGOS on clothing… unless it is your business logo!

  2. Bring a few different shirt options


    • Dress shirts are always a great choice as the photographer can always dress it up or dress it down. Bring an undershirt if this is necessary.

    • If you normally wear a tie, bring two options, all which compliment or can be used with the shirt(s) you are bringing.

    • Jackets and blazers with a casual shirt underneath are great for a more relaxed look.

    • Flattering colors for men are usually French blue or purple in combination with a dark gray, navy blue or black jacket.

    • Bring outfits that fit you the best, that you feel confident in, and dress the part that would attract your ideal client!


    • Wrap dresses or tops that wrap around your waist are a flattering cut for any type of body or shape.

    • V-Necks are an excellent choice as they always elongate the neck. But be careful not to overdo it, a deep V-Neck can show too much cleavage. Make sure everything is in proportion.
      U-neck will make your neck look shorter if it’s close to your neck. The further the neckline is from your neck, the longer your neck will appear.
      Be careful with a turtle-neck as it tends to shorten your neck. Also, sometimes it might result in a ‘floating head’ look, if the color of your top matches the background.
      Off-shoulder look is very feminine, showing off your neck and shoulders in the most natural way.

    • Jackets and blazers are always a good choice for layering.

    • Accessories or jewelry can add a little 'pop' to your look.

    • Do not forget the correct undergarments!
      If you plan on wearing a white shirt for example, you will need a nude bra, as a black bra would be visible under a white shirt and we don’t want that!

    • Make sure your nails are clean and polished. If you wear nail polish, make sure they are not chipped and stick to a neutral color like a pale pink color that will look clean and classic.

  3. Make sure that clothes are ironed /wrinkle free Wrinkles on your clothes stick out in photos. I’ll have a lint roller for last minute touch ups

  4. Make sure you are comfortable
    When you aren't comfortable, it shows. Also remember not to wear anything too baggy, it can actually make people look bigger than they really are, at the same time you also don’t want to wear anything too tight. Find that just right fit that gives you confidence and looks great.

  5. Not sure on what color to wear?
    Check out my blog on the meanings of different colors:

  6. Remember to Breathe! I know that there aren't many people that actually look forward to having their photo taken, but I promise, I will make this an enjoyable experience for you. I'll have music playing and we can sit down and chat before I start taking beautiful photos of you.

If you have questions about an outfit you can always email or text me a photo of your outfit before the session. I’m only a call/message away!

email: or call/text: 317.296.4359

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Arrive at 6638 W Mallard Ln, McCordsville

Park in the driveway and I will greet you at the front door

Your Hair + Makeup should be completely done & camera ready!

Have your 1st outfit on.

Bring any backup outfits on hangers so they are wrinkle free and lint free

I will direct you into various poses that flatter you and give you options to choose your favorite images!


After your photoshoot we will review the images from your session and order your favorite image(s)!

Once you have made your selections, I will complete editing and give you a date that they will be delivered!

Optional to select additional images onto your initial package at viewing.